Monday, August 23, 2010

Puppy Love and The Cat's Meow!

 A month or so ago we asked you all on Facebook if you ever made quilts for your pets...and the response was an overwhelming yes! We think that is so great because every member of your family should have a little quilted something. Today we are excited to showcase the patterns and quilts we have in stock that are a sweet way to pay homage to your pet(s). 

For all the cat lovers we have a quilt kit that is colorful and whimsical - The Cat's Meow. Finishes 44"x59".
The Cats Meow Kit $55.95

For the Dog Lovers we have the Muchas Poochas quilt kit. Is your doggie on the quilt? Look how cute all these dogs are...let's just hope your dog isn't chewing any shoes! This quilt finishes 48"x60".
Muchas Poochas Full Kit $139.99

Furry Sweetness Quilt Pattern $15.50

...and if you have a home with a kitty and a doggie we have a pattern for you, too! Furry Sweetness features playful dogs and cats play in water and chew bones. Finishes 53"x53".
We hope one of these quilts strikes your fancy! ...and feel free share a picture on Facebook of your family pet with their favorite quilt! 
Happy Quilting, 


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