Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Choo Choo Puppy

As a child, I was fascinated with trains. My grandfather was a train engineer and it was a real treat to go to the end of my grandparents' street and watch him bring the train in. Train travel was so common "back in the old days". Now with the fast pace of life, trains have lost their role in our daily lives. But not for our doggie clan - they have their own personal choo-choo train - and our furry friends are on board. What a great cuddle quilt for a little one, espeically when it is backed with Minkee. Stop by and see it - the quilting (done on Belle, of course) just makes it that much cuter! I wonder if I could get Frank (our dog who is always into mischief) to hop on board and take a ride so I can get some uninterrupted quilting done!

I've had a day to spend with my therapists (aka my Designer SE and Designer Diamond sewing machines). For many years I have wanted to make a Hunter Star quilt - and you know, those diamonds can just be such a pain. When Sandy and I were at Quilt Market we met Deb Tucker who designed the Rapid Fire Hunter's Star technique. So this week, I set aside some time to try it. It is so easy, the pictures are so clear and the instructions included are for both right and left handed quilters. I have everything ready for a demo board which should be done by the end of the week so you can see how easy and fun this technique is. I'm hooked!

Lots of new things to see at Quilting by the Bay,



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