Monday, November 22, 2010

Easiest Quilt Ever!

This new tool is SO much fun!
You can literally finish a quilt in a day - so if you still have gifts to make for Christmas - you know, that person that is always begging you to make them a quilt - now you can! ...and it doesn't  look like it was as easy to make as it really is - it gives the illusion of a lot of piecing. 

What tool is it? The Twister! The basic concept is that you sew a bunch of squares together (charms or layer cakes are perfect) and add a border. Simple enough so far, right? Then you use the Twister tool to cut the pieces and rearrange them back into a quilt - so you have all these great little pinwheels but with zero of the hard piecing!

This Twister tool comes in small - perfect for the charm pack lovers - and large - perfect for the layer cake lovers! We really love both sizes - but what is so neat about the large size is that the "leftover" pieces make a second small sized quilt! you can make one large quilt and use the smaller pieces for the border, a table runner or something fun!

Click HERE to view the page with the pattern book and both sizes of the Twister tool.

Want to see one almost done? We had a QBTB fan email us a pic of the quilt top she made with the large Twister tool - and she did all this in one morning! She used a stash of Christmas fabric she bought here at QBTB 2 years ago. (This goes to show that eventually we do use all of our stash!) She is going to add the border still so hopefully we will have a follow up picture soon!

How fun!

So if you order yours this week it will come at the beginning of Dec and you will have a weekend or two where you can crank out some lovely quilts as gifts! 

Happy Monday,


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